US$96 -- Disney World Hotels (Regularly $149)
Select dates Aug. 9 - Oct. 3. Book by July 25.
US$839 -- Sydney, Australia 8 Day Vacation
From LA with 5 hotel nts, breakfast daily and airline fuel surcharges. Travel Aug 24-Mar 22. Book by July 8.
US$324 -- Barbados 7-Night Scuba Diving Package (Land Only)
Hotel, breakfast, intro scuba (not certification). Sept 4-30. Book by July 15.
US$149 -- Luxurious Bermuda Resort thru October (Reg. $449)
Through October, book by July 7.
US$1099 -- 13-Night Transatlantic Cruise w/Air, Save $1000
Depart Miami on April 11, 2010 on Celebrity. Return airfare from Hamburg to Miami.